How to Leave 2022 Empty

How to Leave 2022 Empty

How to leave 2022 empty? Really, Doyin? Yes, and I mean it. This is the first blog post for 2022! I am excited for a whole lot of reasons. One is because the urge to write and share is back. So much that I have tagged this year A YEAR OF RELEASE. If you are asking why then you should sign up for my newsletter here and read my last mail. Once you are signed up, let’s continue.

I have learnt that asides from saying release, you have to give all. So, we are leaving 2022 empty. I feel like I travelled through 2021 not doing what I ought to do. I wasn’t thriving or living, I was basically surviving and it is tiring. It wasn’t me. It felt plastic. However, the plan is to make 2022 different. so, how are we doing it?

how to leave 2022 empty close up shot of a calendar

7 Steps on How to Leave 2022 Empty.

  1. Set your goals and follow through. Be clear and precise about what you want.
  2. Make a plan on how you intend to go about your goals.
  3. Get an accountability partner. Because there is power in the head of two (according to me) Someone to keep you on track.
  4. Journal. Document your wins and your losses. this will help you keep track of how far and how well you have come. it also is a good store of your memories and to destress effectively.
  5. Share! Share and Share Again! The whole point about leaving 2022 empty is so you can have impacted a person. If your are not sure you will keep track, then try sharing. Sharing will keep you on your toes.
  6. Take time to rest. Planning on how to leave 2022 empty doesn’t mean to leave drained. It means to give your all. To achieve and accomplish everything you sent in your resolutions. I know a lot of people have over 50 new year resolutions. If you rush your way through you will burn out faster than you can think of and experience imposter syndrome. Stay safe out there. Go on a vacation if you can.
  7. Just breathe. You can always restrategise and create a new path of action. There is no 1 way to it.

I’m getting back with an aspire to perspire post, I know. I want you to see 2022 as a blank sheet of paper with 365 lines, what would you be writing on each line? Cheers to a good year ahead.

notebook with blank pages leave 2022 empty

Many drops of honey for your year!

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